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Welcome to the newly redesigned District 230 website!

You may have noticed a new look at the district and school websites. You can use to access the site. Then, click the school logos for the school sites.

As with the launch of any website, it may take a few days for the new sites to link properly from bookmarks and search engines due to cache and other technical circumstances. But don’t worry, it will all work properly soon!

The road to our new websites has been paved with thoughtful consideration and feedback from many, and we are incredibly grateful for the open sharing of ideas throughout the process!

Well over one year ago, we solicited feedback from staff, students, parents, and the community about the functionality, content, and overall look and feel of our websites. Finalsite was selected as our partner and for the past six months, we have worked closely with our partner to create modern, timely, and professional websites.

We look forward to working with staff to use the website tools to tell our story of preparing students for their future. We will be working with school teams on training and plans as we move forward.

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