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Web Accessibility

Web accessibility is the inclusive practice of ensuring there are no barriers that prevent interaction with, or access to websites, by people with disabilities. District 230 strives to ensure that all our sites are correctly designed, developed and edited, for all users to have equal access to information and functionality. If for some reason you find that there is information or pages that are not accessible to you, please email us at and we will correct the pages to be compliant and up to ADA standards.
Consolidated High School District 230 offers any of our website materials to be converted into an alternative file format upon formal request.  The process of creating alternative format materials can take time. We will confirm receipt of your request and email you our anticipated delivery time. Alternative format materials are not to be altered and are considered the property of Consolidated High School District 230. 
The current alternative material file types we provide are:
  1. Pdf (portable document file)
  2. Microsoft Word
  3. Microsoft Excel 
  4. CSV (comma separated value)
  5. Mp4 Video file  
  6. Other file types are available upon request

To request any of our materials in an alternative format, follow one of the steps below:

  1. Email Suzanne Andersen, Digital Media Coordinator/Webmaster and provide detailed information regarding your request.
  2. If you have any additional questions or concerns regarding our website materials, call our district office at 708-745-5203.