We are proud of the work we have accomplished to progress with our district technology vision. Below are a few of the work related items and accomplishments over the last couple of years that have contributed to our forward movement:
- 2023-24 School Year
- 2022-23 School Year
- 2021-22 School Year
- 2020-21 School Year
- 2019-20 School Year
- 2018-19 School Year
- 2017-18 School Year
- 2016-17 School Year
- 2015-16 School Year
- 2013-14 School Year
- 2012-13 School Year
2023-24 School Year
- Skyward Qmlativ Enhancements
- Classroom LCD Projector Replacements
- Google Admin Auditing and Modernization
- Valcom Clock/Speaker/Bell Upgrade
- Digital Learning Program Expansion
- Security Improvements
- Training/Professional Development
- Classlink Expansion (OneRoster)
- Digital Forms: Laserfiche
- Printers/Copiers
- IncidentIQ Expansion
- Computer Lab Modernization
2022-23 School Year
- Skyward Qmlativ Migration
- Staff Laptop Deployment
- Intune Migration
- Valcom Clock/Speaker/Bell Upgrade
- Digital Learning Program Expansion
- Wireless Expansion (gyms)
- Security Improvements
- Training/Professional Development
- Classlink Expansion (OneRoster)
- Digital Forms: Laserfiche
- Printers/Copiers
- IncidentIQ Expansion
- Audio/Visual Upgrades (Gyms)
2021-22 School Year
- Digital Learning Program Expansion
- Mist AI Wireless Implementation
- Skyward ISCorp Migration
- Pandemic Reopening of School - tasks, processes, reports, etc.
- Vaccination Forms
- IncidentIQ Help Desk and Asset Management Implementation
- Digital Forms: Laserfiche
- Security: Crowdstrike and MFA Expansion
- 3rd Party systems - SchooLinks, Panorama, GoFan, etc.
- eLearning Program Prep
- Offsite Data Backup
- Printer/Copiers
- Audio/Visual RFP
- General Security Improvements
2020-21 School Year
- Hybrid Learning (COVID) Supports
- Health Screener and Vaccination Forms
- Digital Learning Program Expansion
- Google Meets and Zoom Video Conferencing
- Digital Processes: Laserfiche Workflow Expansion
- ESP Staff Chromebook Deployment
- Security Camera Overhaul
- Virtual Desktop Environment Implementation
- Kami, Padlet, Screencastify, Rival5 Implemented
- Virtual Events: PT Conferences, Parents/Student Mtgs, Board Mtgs, etc.
- Virtual Summer School
- TMobile Hotspots for Home Internet
- CLEAR Residency
- Offsite Data Backup
- Skyward Audit
- Google SysCloud Management
- Printer/Copiers
- Audio/Visual Projects
- Skyward SIS Automations
- Security Incident Management
- Crowdstrike Security Suite
- Security Improvements
- Wireless RFP
2019-20 School Year
- eLearning / Remote Learning Program (COVID)
- Digital Learning Program Expansion
- Canvas/Google Expansion
- WAN Fiber Go Live
- Digital Forms: Laserfiche
- New Staff Laptops
- New Classroom Device Adapters (Replaced docking stations)
- ESP SPED Staff Chromebooks
- Security Camera Overhaul
- Skyward Enhancments and SIS Automations
- Virtual Desktop Expansion
- eGaming Program Expansion
- 5Lab Data Dashboard Implementation
- Audio/Visual Projects
- New Virtual Summer School Model
- Student Tech Internship Expansion
- Fortinet NAC Implementation
- Fortinet Firewall Implementation
- Sprint Hotspots
- CLEAR Residency
- Online Assessment Expansion
- Security Improvements
- Security Training
- Certified/ESP Training
- Printer/Copiers Improvements
2018-19 School Year
- Digital Learning Program Progression
- Canvas/Google Progression
- Asset and Inventory Management - Full Refresh
- Monitor Replacements
- LAN/WAN Self-Provisioned Fiber
- UPS Replacements - All MDF and IDF
- New Filtering System
- Data Center Rack/AC Overhaul
- Online Assessment Expansion
- New Mass Communication System (BB Comm)
- New Websites/App (BB)
- Digital Forms: Laserfiche
- Staff Laptop Support and Refresh
- Skyward Support / Improvements
- New PAC Ticketing System
- 5Lab Data Dashboard Implementation
- New Room Scheduler - Resource Scheduler
- Printer/Copier Support/Consolidation
- Various Audio/Visual Projects
- Security Improvements
- Ongoing Security Training
- Door Access Upgrade and Modifications
- Comcast Business Lines Implementation
- Certified/ESP Training
- Intranet Transition
- Summer School Support
- Department Re-org
2017-18 School Year
- Expanded Digital Learning Program - All students received a Chromebook
- Expanded Canvas/Google
- Bandwidth Increase with additional ISP
- Implemented Google File Stream - H-Drives eliminated
- LCD Projector upgrades - all classrooms have same model
- HDMI Cabling in all classrooms
- Wireless Projection in every classroom
- SAN Upgrade
- Hyper-V Upgrade
- Storage Upgrade
- Implemented Local Security Servers
- Installed Verizon Boosters
- Student Chromebook Printing
- Continued Support and Expansiuon Skyward
- Implemented Backupify
- WeVideo Pilot
- Implemented a new eFax Solution
- Printer/Copiers
- Period 2 Supports
- Security Improvements
- Expanded Security Training Program
- Ongoing Certified/ESP Training
- Completed a Virtual ID Pilot
- Managed Technology Surplus and increased revenue
- Hosted three Google AR Event(s) at each school
- Supported all major school events
2016-17 School Year
- Expanded Digital Learning Program - all 9th and 10th graders received a Chromebook
- New Skyward Food Service System
- Implemented HPE/Aruba Switches
- Upgraded Palo Alto Firewall/Filter
- New eFax Solution
- Stabilized Certified Staff Laptops & Docking Stations
- Increased Internet Bandwidth
- Improved Skyward Speed
- Expanded ESP Training Program
- Upgraded to Windows 16
- Expanded PaperCut FollowMe
- Replaced Copiers and Decreased Printers - Volume decreased for both
- Expanded Teacher Tech Coach Program
- Expanded Digital Signage
- Expanded Canvas
- Expanded Google
- Upgraded LCD Projectors & HDMI Cabling
- Implemented TalentEd Evaluation System
- Implemented Security Drill Training
- Upgraded Cache Boxes
- Expanded Online Assessments
- Implemented GoGuardian Classroom Management & Chromebook Filtering
- New Intranet using Google Sites
- Converted 65% of staff to Cloud storage
- Various Infrastructure Upgrades
- Supported All Major School Events
2015-16 School Year
- Expanded Digital Learning Program
- Distributed Certified Staff Laptops
- New Phone System
- Increased Bandwidth
- Improved Skyward Speed
- Deployed Classroom Docking Stations
- Upgraded to Windows 10
- Upgraded to Office 2016
- Implemented PaperCut FollowMe
- Training/PD with Tech Coaches
- Expanded Digital Signage
- Expanded Canvas
- Expanded Google
- Upgraded 1/3 of LCD Projectors
- Implemented
- AESOP Sub Management System
- Upgraded Security including DDoS
- New Help Desk System
- Expanded Online Assessments
- New Intranet using Google Sites
- Various Infrastructure Upgrades
- Supported All Major School Events
2013-14 School Year
- Google Apps for all Staff & Students
- Successfully completed first phase of our 1:1 Program
- Expanded 1:1 Program with Chromebooks to 60 additional teachers
- New and improved Websites
- New Staff/Student Wireless Management
- Leveraged Skyward and WCONLINE to support
- Advisory Period
- On-boarded Media Center Department
- Increased Media Center Usage
- New Digital Citizenship Program
- New Digital Media
- Program with iMacs
- Tested PARCC
- Online Assessments
- ISBE Approved 3-years Technology Plan
- Mastery Manager Support
- New Skyward Family Access
- New Skyward P/T Conf.
- New RevTrak Online Payment System
- Bandwidth Increase
- Disaster Recovery/High Availability
- DDoS Mitigation
- Phone Backend Upgrade
- Event Tech Support - P/T Conferences, Etc.
- Xerox Copier Migration
- New Asset Management System
2012-13 School Year
- Upgraded to Comcast Fiber
- Wireless Upgrades
- Implemented Mastery Manager
- Google Cutover
- Website Overhaul
- Increased Email & File Storage
- Implemented a Disaster Recovery Program
- Social Media Access & Policies
- Staff BYOD
- Event Tech Support
- Installed New Security System & Cameras
- Desktop refresh and SCCM Implementation
- 1:1 Kick Off - 22 Awards
- Moodle Upgrade
- Skyward Optimizations
- Allowed Student Created Passwords
- Implemented Common Sense Media Digital Responsibility Lessons
- Consolidated Home Drives
- Installed Canon Copiers
- Upgraded to Office 2010
- Digitized Transcripts
- LCD Projector Support
- iMac Pilot
- Food Service Upgrades
- Increased Communication
- General Support & Training