District 230 is committed to ensuring that all students are successful when they enter their post-secondary experiences. “Intervention is anything a school does, above and beyond what all students receive, that helps a child succeed in school” (Buffum, Mattos, & Weber, 2012). In order to best meet the needs of students within a school, teachers meet in Professional Learning Communities on late start Wednesday. This allows teachers to communicate about student needs and plan meaningful interventions. In addition to having scheduled time for teachers to meet, having time scheduled within the school day for students to receive additional support is also critical. This is why the Period 2 advisory period is critical to all students’ success at District 230. We use the following key questions to guide our teacher conversations to ensure we are meeting all students' academic and social-emotional needs:
What do we want students to know and be able to do?
How will we respond when we recognize that some students are not learning or already know the material?
What can we do to support students to learn the guaranteed curriculum?
How will we know that students have learned the guaranteed curriculum?
Dufour, R., Dufour, R., Eaker, R., & Many, T. (2006).
Advisory/Intervention/Enrichment Period
The Advisory/Intervention/Enrichment period is designed to offer all students an opportunity to develop a positive long-term relationship with at least one adult in their school building. The Advisory/Intervention/Enrichment period will offer students both an advisory curriculum on assigned days and an opportunity for intervention or enrichment on opposing days. This period will not occur on late start Wednesdays.
SOAR (Semester One Academic Recovery)
Grade Level: 9
Semesters: 1
Credits: .5 make-up credit with grade replacement
Grade Level: 9
Semesters: 1
Credits: .5 make-up credit with grade replacement
Students failing first semester English or math courses at the 9th grade level will be eligible for SOAR. This program is offered after school during the second semester as a credit recovery program for Math and English only.
Core Literacy
Grade Level: 9
Semesters: 2
Credits: 1
Grade Level: 9
Semesters: 2
Credits: 1
Core Literacy is a year-long course designed to improve students’ reading skills across all content areas, as well as to help students understand and engage with reading strategies and practices. Students are recommended for the course based on assessment data and professional recommendations. This class earns one elective credit. This course is currently offered at Andrew, Sandburg & Stagg.
Summer Opportunities
Credit and Non-Credit Courses will be offered for credit toward graduation or enrichment. Additional information can be found in the Summer School Program Guide.
Alternative Programs
The district offers a unique opportunity for students with individualized needs to continue their education in an alternative setting. These programs are designed to meet the needs of students who have not been successful in the traditional educational program. The goal of these programs is to facilitate a successful return to the day-school program. Entry into these programs is based on a recommendation by the Pupil Personnel Services Team. For more information about alternative programs, please contact the school’s guidance counselor.