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Report Safety Concerns

Who Reports?

YOU, if you have information about bullying, harassment and/or a threat of one of these actions. It doesn't matter whether you are the target of bullying or think someone is being bullied, please report it!

What Do I Report?

Any activity that targets someone to be hurt. Bullying, harassment, and threats take many forms. One thing they have in common -someone is targeted to be hurt. Examples of these hurtful behaviors include unwanted teasing, intimidation, physical violence, humiliation, spreading false rumors, social exclusion, or theft or destruction of property.

Bullying, harassment, and threats may occur almost anywhere students go- in school buildings, on school grounds or buses, at bus stops, for example. Bullying or harassing may also occur using social networking sites or cell phones.

When Should I Report?

As soon as possible.

Where or How Should I Report?

Tell any school staff member. You may do this in person, by phone, or by email. Or you can complete the Report a Safety Concern. You may make an anonymous tip by completing the form.

Why Should I Report?

Fear and abuse have no place in our school. Say Something and report bullying. If you are being bullied, a report will help you and other students who may also be targeted for bullying.

What Will Happen After I Report?

An administrator will:
  • Acknowledge and review your report if not submitted anonymously.
  • Treat your report with privacy and respect its sensitive nature.
  • Investigate your report. The school will not bring students who bully and those they bully into the same room to confront each other. All interviews will be private.
  • Take appropriate action that may include increased monitoring and supervision, restructuring schedules, additional resources and disciplinary action for code violations, among others.
  • Provide you with feedback, if appropriate.