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Stay Connected with ParentSquare

District 230 is excited to announce a new form of school-to-home communication called ParentSquare. The platform is designed to simplify communications and provide options for families on how and when they want to receive information (email, text and/or app notifications).

Parent Square not only keeps families in the loop; ParentSquare helps make parents and guardians part of the loop.

A few of the ParentSquare features include the ability to:

  • Receive messages from the school via email, text or app notification 

  • Choose to receive information as it comes or all at once with a daily digest at 6pm

  • Communicate in your preferred available language

  • Reply to staff directly from a post to ask questions

  • Direct message teachers and staff

ParentSquare automatically generates an account for each guardian, using their preferred email address and phone number within Skyward. Below is additional information about how to access your account, download the mobile app and update your preferences on when and how you are notified of communications. 

Go to and REGISTER using your email or phone number provided to your school.

Introduction Video/Slides

Introduction Video (English)
Parent Square Presentation

Introduction Video (Spanish)
Parent Square Presentation Spanish

Introduction video (Arabic)
Parent Square Presentation Arabic

Introduction video (Polish)
Parent Square Presentation Polish

Download the mobile app:

iOS App - Apple Store

Android App - Google Play Store