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eLearning Days

eLearning Plan for Weather or other Emergency

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elearing day

In District 230's ongoing efforts to provide innovative educational opportunities for students, the School Board approved the use of eLearning Days instead of traditional Emergency School Closing Days for bad weather or emergency circumstances. The State of Illinois has approved the district's eLearning Plan.

eLearning Days

eLearning Days allow students and staff to learn and work virtually at home instead of having to cancel school and providing a continuation of learning in their coursework without disruption. This is especially helpful for first-semester courses that would lose the day of instruction completely, since make-up days are traditionally held at the end of the second semester. It is also beneficial for those enrolled in Advanced Placement courses as the make-up days are traditionally held after the AP Exams are administered.

Virtual Environment Prepares for Future

In a technological world where college courses and remote work arrangements rely more heavily on virtual environments with students managing their workload, eLearning Days are a great way to expose students to these scenarios while being supported by teachers and staff.